
INT-MORNING-Nihad’s Apartment
Year 2020
The clock is ticking, Nihad is sleeping in his bed and the sun is striking his face. Alarm rings. Nihad hits the alarm firmly with his fist. He pulls the blanket and covers his whole body and face. Then, all of a sudden, Nihad pushes the blanket away from his body and stares at the wall clock. The clock points at 2:30 PM. He sits on the edge of the bed and takes a deep yawn. He glimpses his abandoned guitar in the corner of the room then closes his eyes, and smiles. He starts imagining himself on the stage performing a beautiful guitar piece and audience applause fills the stage. He wakes from his daydream and shakes his head abruptly.

Nihad’s inner voice:

Hey! Wake up. You’re not gonna make it. You’re not talented enough, and you still young too.

He moves away from his bed and enters the living space. He sits on his couch in the middle of a huge pile of clothes. Nihad sinks into another daydream again. He imagines himself sitting with a wife happily.

Again, Nihad shakes his head trying to vanish this dream from his head.

Nihad’s inner voice:

You’re too young for that
He reaches for a bowl full of chips and turns on the TV.

On the screen, a speaker is speaking about the importance of starting building tour own wealth from early ages.

Nihad’s inner voice:

Forget about it. No body gets rich at this age. You are still young.

He yawns, then lays down to nap.

It is six o’clock. Nihad’s phone is ringing.
Nihad hangs up.

His phone rings again. He wakes up to answer the call:


Hello. Yeah Hi. No I’m not feeling well today. I’ll come to the office tomorrow.
Thank you. Bye
Nihad hangs up.
Nihad slouches back to the coach and naps again.
Lights off.
Music starts. A spotlight suddenly switches on. Nihad is sitting on a stool, performing guitar in the middle of a dark, empty space with the spotlight directed over him.
He is performing guitar beautifully and fluently when a voice appears from nowhere:
Hey! Wake up. You’re not gonna make it. You’re not talented enough, and you still young too.
A metaphorical bullet hits the left side of Nihad’s chest. The guitar falls on to the floor.
Nihad is barely walking when a beautiful woman appears in front of him. His eyes shine. Nihad walks at a fast pace towards her and pulls an engagement ring from his pocket.
The same voice appears again:
You’re too young for that
Another bullet hits him on the right side of his chest.
Nihad is exhausted. He barely moves a few steps when he starts imagining money falling from the sky.
He excitedly moves toward them when the same voice appears again:
Forget about it. Nobody gets rich at this age. You are still young.
The third metaphorical bullet hits Nihad in the middle of his chest. He falls backwards to hit his coach.
Year 2070
Nihad wakes up from his nap. His hair has all turned white now and face looks old. He is no longer the young and healthy man.
He sits up and walks away.
Life is too short for our dreams to remain unfulfilled.
Reno Ave.

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